Privacy Policy

October 12, 2023


The Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board is an independent, impartial, quasi-judicial tribunal established under The Saskatchewan Employment Act that hears and determines applications and appeals pursuant to the Act.

As a quasi-judicial tribunal, the Board operates in an open, accessible, transparent and consistent manner. This is accomplished by the Board’s hearings being presumptively open to the public, and the Board publishing its decisions on its website. As a statutory tribunal, the Board’s decisions are considered matters of public record.[1]   

The Board is subject to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and The Health Information Protection Act. These statutes govern the Board’s obligations to protect confidential information, and its ability to disclose such information.

Core Activities

The Board receives and discloses information in carrying out its core activities, which include:

  • The administrative processing of applications and appeals under The Saskatchewan Employment Act by employees, unions or employers;
  • Mediation and/or case management regarding matters raised in applications; and
  • The formal adjudication of applications and appeals.

Personal Information and Personal Health Information

In the course of undertaking its core activities, the Board receives personal information as defined in The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and personal health information as defined in The Health Information Protection Act.

Examples of personal information include information relating to an individual’s employment history, or their address or telephone number. Personal health information includes information with respect to a person’s physical or mental health. Personal information and personal health information is provided by parties to a proceeding when it is necessary to process their proceeding (e.g, a phone number as contact information), or is relevant to the matters in issue.

Privacy Policy and Procedures

The Board will use personal information and personal health information in carrying out its core activities, consistent with the purposes for which the information has been provided.

A party filing an application, reply, affidavit, written submission or similar document relating to a proceeding should expect the Board to provide the document to other parties to the proceeding. Pursuant to section 23 of the Board’s regulations its registrar may also provide a copy of an application to any employer, union, labour organization or other person that appears to have a direct interest in the application. Provision of documents as described above is necessary for the Board to carry out its core activities.         

Individuals who are parties to proceedings are identified by name in hearing schedules and decisions posted on the Board’s website, and in print and online reporting services that publish the Board’s decisions.  An exception to this general practice may be made, at the discretion of the Board, in cases where sensitive personal information or personal health information will be disclosed. Individuals wishing to have their names masked may apply to the Board by letter setting out the reasons for the request including what sensitive personal information or personal health information will be disclosed. Individuals should expect that letter to be treated as a submission.

On occasion a person or entity with no involvement in a proceeding may request access to records in the Board’s possession. In these circumstances, personal information or personal health information contained in records will not be disclosed without the consent of the individual it relates to, unless otherwise authorized by law. More information regarding the processing of access requests is available through the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner: