COVID-19 Notice, dated February 25, 2022 | LRB

COVID-19 Notice, dated February 25, 2022

COVID-19 NOTICE, dated February 25, 2022:

This directive replaces the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board notice respecting COVID-19, dated June 24, 2021.

Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board, February 25, 2022


The Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board has commenced the redeployment of regular operations in concert with the removal of the Public Health Orders. The Board continues to monitor the situation and may update the information in this Notice as circumstances require.

Board Operations:


The Board is scheduling new hearings in‐person by default.

Appeals and other matters without oral evidence

All matters for which oral evidence will not be submitted will be scheduled by video‐conference by default.

Video Hearings

The Board will utilize video hearings as an option when most appropriate. If one or more parties to a matter believe(s) that a video hearing is most appropriate, they may request that the hearing be set as a video hearing when it is being scheduled or at a later time. The Board may require submissions with regards to the request.

Board Offices

Access to the Board office in Regina is not restricted and documents may be filed in‐person.

This Notice is subject to change from time to time and may be amended to apply to specific circumstances, at the discretion of the Board.

Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board, February 25, 2022