Practice Note 5 - Forms of Address

The purpose of this Practice Note is to assist the Board to avoid misgendering or otherwise misidentifying parties, counsel and other participants in a hearing, in written decisions and in correspondence.

This Practice Note clarifies how parties and/or counsel can advise the Board, other parties and counsel of their pronouns and titles.

Examples of pronouns include, but are not limited to:

  • She/her
  • He/him
  • They/them.

Examples of titles include, but are not limited to:

  • Ms.
  • Mr.
  • Mx.

Parties and counsel may provide their pronouns and titles, and the pronouns and titles used by their clients, potential witnesses or other participants:

  • at any time, by email to the Registrar;
  • to the Clerk prior to the start of a hearing;
  • at the beginning of an in-person or virtual hearing, when parties or counsel are introducing themselves, their client, a witness or another participant.

This practice note is intended to provide general guidance concerning the current policy of the Board with respect to forms of address for participants in Board matters. Specific inquiries should be directed to the Board Registrar.

DATED at Regina, Saskatchewan, May 25, 2022.